Sat, 17 Jun 2006

helnwein exhibition, part 2.

as already boringly logged in this bLog-entry, some friends from hagenberg and i went to the helnwein exhibition at ...

on an unknown day marco1475 wrote:
You know ... actually to publish the picture and be on the safe side, you still need the permission of the lady that is in the picture. As we were taught, the copyright to a person's image (be it on picture or video) belongs to the person - even if you are shooting an interview, you still need to ask permission to show the person on screen ... So, beside the copyright of the helnwein picture, which you covered, you are actually infringing on the copyright of that lady as well and need her permission to publish it ... Happy hunting! ;)
on an unknown day nostromo wrote:
thx for your comment, marco1475. but if the lady is shown from the backside, do i actually really need her permission too? but basically you are right. to really avoid any copy- right issues i should get permission from her too. and no, i wont be hunting her down ;)

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