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* zoo (38)
`-schoenbrunn (16)
Fri, 30 May 2014 a visit to zoo schoenbrunn (0 comments)
besides the new polar bear enclosure "franz josef land", with the peacock eating polar bears, it's cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubs and baby time all over the zoo of schoenbrunn. so nina[006], her family[004] and me went to the zoo.
so we wandered through the zoo, seeing the all-time cute red panda[007-018], the big cats[019-023] section, and the three little cheetah cubs[024-031], which i was longing to see so very much. but soon the mother and the cubs vanished, and we decided to come back later again.
so we admired the new, really big polar bear enclosure with the two polar bears[046-051]. nearby was another peacock[052-056], still alive when we left - i wonder for how much longer.
another small miracle happened this day: we really spotted the lynx[065-066]. yes, he really exists - we couldn't believe it. for so many times we stood in front of the fence trying to find the cute cat, but in vain. but this day, we really saw it. fortunate us.
next we went to see the wolf cubs[067], but they were all asleep and pretty far away from the viewing spot.
next offspring was the baby reindeer[076-078], a brown and a gray one - very cute.
later we came by the cheetah cubs[092-117] again, this time they were in the public area of their enclosure again, so i took some more pictures of those little cute fluffy fur-balls. this is really cuteness overload.
and finally, there were the flamingo chicks[118-125] too. all gray, all tiny, and with no feathers and no wings, they do not look like their parents at all.
oh, spring/summer in the zoo is wonderful - so many babies and cubs. we really enjoyed that day at the zoo.
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Thu, 29 May 2014 summer night open air concert in the palace park schoenbrunn (0 comments)
nina's parents were paying us a visit and coincidentally the annual summer night open air performed by the vienna philharmonic took place this weekend, conducted by christoph eschenbach, and starring lang lang on the piano.
all afternoon long it was quite uncertain if this event will take place at all, as it looked like rain and bad weather all the time. but as it turned out, the weather kept fine - what a relief.
since it was our first time (nina had wanted to go for years now, but never managed to see it), we didn't think of taking our camera gear with us - too bad. because besides the wonderful music, the gloriette and the parks were beautifully lit. so, to at least have a few visual impressions to share and remember, i took out my mobile phone and made a few pictures. the quality is miserable, but i hope you get an impression of what the park had looked like this evening.
once the concert was over, we went home again. as soon as we arrived there it started to rain - lucky us. that was a very beautiful evening, and we're sure to be there again next year.
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Sun, 18 May 2014 sisters of mercy (0 comments)
^C: sisters of mercy (loosers), gasometer
when you don't see me
blood money
crash and burn
gift that shines
a rock and a hard place
amphetamine logic
dominion/mother russia
flood ii
this corrosion
kiss the carpet
lucretia my reflection
vision thing
first and last and always
temple of love
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Mon, 12 May 2014 R.I.P. HR Giger (0 comments)
you were an absolutely great artist - thanks for your most amazing artwork, and most of all, thanks for "alien", and thus, the "nostromo". i really do love your cute monsters.
here is a picture i found on the internet that i really liked (though i don't know by whom it was drawn):
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